The NEW Guy Fawkes 5 T-shirts.
The front of the shirt has the commemorative 'War of the Roses' sculpture of 'the victor' from the famous 'victor and the vanquished' created by Philip Bews and Diane Gorvin. Their masterpiece is called ‘The Arrivall’ and is taken from the title of an abbreviated account of Edward IV’s recovery of the English throne from Henry VI in 1471. The actual oak sculptures can be found on the south approach to the town. The Battle of Tewkesbury brought to an end the Wars of the Roses between the house of York and the house of Lancaster.

RED Transport & Logistics are our new and exciting sponsors. They have worked hard with a local fashion icon whose reputation for design and coordination is well known. RED (Roberts Express Delivery) are a Tewkesbury based company and specialist in collection & delivery, commercial & domestic removals, storage solutions, courier services, consultancy, driver supply, pallet handling, CDG transport, freezer vans, grab lorries etc. The new T-shirt design celebrates the kinship of the popular Tewkesbury GF5 and a popular Tewkesbury service.