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Extreme Energy (XNRG) Isle of Wight 70 miles Around the Island Challenge.

It was my third running of the 2-day event, 38 miles day 1 and 30 miles day 2, running clockwise around the whole island. It starts with us running off the chain ferry which goes across the river in East Cowes as it lands on the east side of the river, which is a bit different. It is a very tough course, quite a bit of road but also lots of tracks, (often steep and often very muddy). Much of it is right on the coast line including beach and lots of winding, up and down, narrow cliff paths. So it’s not a flat course by any means, there are many hills and at one point some 167 steps to climb from the beach to a cliff top. We camp overnight on the south coast and the second day runs up to the famous Needles landmark and viewpoint.

A really tough but brilliant event which is planned to always coincide with the famous Round the Island boat race, and since that goes anti-clockwise, on day one you have many thrilling views of thousands of yachts stretching to the horizon for hours as you run along the coast. Very strong winds on day one this year as well which made it even tougher.

I had not been well for 3 weeks beforehand with some sort of virus which was really rough, so not at all sure I could make it. Can’t pretend it was not quite a struggle at times, with my AF also causing some problems, so to finish in 55th place overall from 69 finishers in a total time of 21-33-55 I felt was some achievement – especially since I won the 1st MV60 prize for the third time as well (I was the only male over 60 as it happens, lol, but meant I was at least 10 years old than any other bloke, so pretty pleased with that).

Ed & Phil also sponsor the XNRG events with Wigwam socks.

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