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Abingdon is breast for Jane

Jane Sauer ran this year’s Abingdon Marathon with perfect success. Jane’s story is not only incredible but inspirational too.

Many may have seen Jane running with the club or helping with the Tewkesbury Parkrun with her baby Ben strapped in his harness. She started her training for the marathon about 12 weeks ago which coincided with her returning to work after maternity time-off – Ben is a little over 12 months old and Jane is still serving to his natural nutritional needs. Jane, in fact, started a couple of jobs at the same time and together with partner Paul’s help, embarked on her marathon training with the intention of gaining a qualifying time for the next London Marathon – Jane had been rejected by the ballot system ten times!

Her training did suffer the occasional set-back with lack of opportunity and illness. However, she knew her legs were hitting form when she beat her ½ marathon PB while out training on one of her few ‘long’ runs. And again by starting the Cheltenham Half Marathon off her sick bed to record an impressive 1:36 hr.

In addition to the pressure of finishing in a London ‘Good for Age’ time, she set-up a fund to collect donations for the Gloucester Breastfeeding Supporters Network (GBSN). She needed to cross the finish line for her sponsorship and also cross it before the clock clicked 3:50:00 hr.

Jane flew: not only finishing, not only far abreast of her 4hr PB but with an outstanding time of 3:26 hr!

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