SUNDAY 23rd APRIL 2023
Congratulations go to our 7 amazing athletes who completed the London marathon on Sunday. Below are a few words and photos from our heroes who represented our running club with such distinction.
In order of those who got the most from their entry fee and spent the most time on the course taking in the wonderful sights of London…..
Coming in first, Running for Whizz Kidz, was Sam in a time of 5.06.53
A splendid effort from Sam, unlike her first draft, race report which went…
“I don’t want to put others off doing it, box ticked, never again, it hurt”
“You all know the story that was printed in the Local Answer about my journey to the London Marathon, but on reflection it’s been a dream that actually started 17 years ago.After a wonderful Italian meal together the night before, D day dawned, approx 3 hours, 4 miles later, soaking wet and freezing, we crossed the start line.A totally mind blowing experience.....from the volume of people running, to the support around the course from marshalls, the supporters who stood out in the weather to cheer us all on and knowing there were fellow club members dotted along the course.Dave completed it in 4hrs 38 mins and 28 secs with an intact hamstring, which had been causing him problems during training. I crossed the line in 5 hrs 6 mins and 53 secs, very grateful to be alive…..Now would we do it again”.............
Sheena, Running for the RSPCA also got her monies worth and managed to finish with her Lippy still on, in a fantastic PB time of 4.53.31
“After months of training with my fellow marathon runners; Sam, Dave and Ian before we knew it The London Marathon was here. I loved every minute of this epic adventure. It was a very emotional day; everyone on their own personal journeys. The roadside support was brilliant. Weather was pretty perfect. Knowing my family were on the route and friends, and that fellow running clubbers were tracking me spurred me onto a pb. I ran for the RSPCA charity who put on coffee cake and a comfy chair when I finished! Special thanks to Paul and my family for putting up with my training schedule. Thanks to all my running pals who turned up and ran the big training runs on weekends with me”.
Next up, Running for SARA was Dave in a PB of 4.38.28
An awesome effort from Dave considering he was held together with sticky tape, knocking 16 minutes off his previous best time.
His race report goes “It bloody hurt”.
Next, running for Shelter was Emma Ash in a fantastic 4.24.39
“Thank you to everyone who donated, watched, cheered, and supported us on this phenomenal journey. I was in awe, blown away, by the multitudes of people lining the streets from mile 1 to 26, encouraging us every step of the way home. Running London was a personal challenge, having lived, studied, and worked in the City. All I could do was smile each mile and think how “I am the luckiest girl to have this opportunity.” It was literally, the best day ever!
Ian Smith was next, in a time of 4.19.50
“It was an awesome day and great to have been able to share it with fellow club members. Despite the weather the atmosphere was electric and the supporting crowds pushed you along with their enthusiasm. I loved it so much I’ve entered the ballot for 2024”.
Nick Matthews was in a hurry, clocking 3.49.39
“I was very lucky in being awarded the club place for the 2020 London Marathon so my training started in January 2020. Three years and four months later due to Covid and a dislike for long summer training runs required for the rescheduled October races, I finally made it to the start at Greenwich park. Unfortunately I managed to tear both hamstrings last year and deferring was not an option. So rather than waste a club place I decided to run.
A combination of a slower pace, compression shorts, KT tape and taking Ibuprofen during the run was my strategy.
This work perfectly. I met up with Ian at mile 11 and made it to Tower Bridge (1/2 way) in 1:50. At this point I thought this is great, then around 14 miles the ibuprofen and other measures started to fail.
However I kept going and the crowd really lifted me. I had said to the others runners the night before over a pizza that I would settle for sub 4 hour Marathon. So I was delighted to cross the finished line in a time of 3:49:33”.
So the award for the person who got the least value for his entry fee, blasting around the course in a new club record of 2.32.12 was the awe inspiring Owen Grant
“Struggled a bit, but amazing experience. So glad I did it”.
Thanks to everyone who has donated to the various charities and supported the fundraising efforts of our runners. The charity pages are still open, please contact the runners direct for instructions on how to donate if you wish.
Brilliant effort team TRC and a special mention to Lindy, Paul, Sophie, Beth, George, Lisa, Sam, Clive, Della and Emz Mum and Aunty for their support.
