Virtual winning Whitby
With actual racing off the calendar for the foreseeable future, this summer saw the popularity of virtual events. Claiming an impressive ‘victory’ in the V60 category was Alan Whitby; Alan took part in a virtual 5km race series which was staged by Hereford Couriers – the Couriers, for many years hosted the leading summer 5k series in this area. Alan clocked some rapid 5k efforts to run away with the tile of V60 champion 2020.

In addition to his successful challenge, Alan has recently announced his planned 65th birthday celebrations… from 09:00 Saturday 19th September, he plans to run 1.09 mile, on the hour for 24 hours. Hopefully finishing shortly after 08:00 on Sunday, completing a marathon distance in total. His hourly runs start from the junction of Grayston Close/Arundel Road in Mitton. Support runners are very welcome (especially during the dark of night).